The Conflict of Writing Online: Arrogance

Every so often I'll buckle myself down and make an effort to produce some sort of post for this site. For the most part, it has amounted to about a single post once a month, with a few gaps here and there. While I do enjoy writing, I've been facing this internal conflict concerning the … Continue reading The Conflict of Writing Online: Arrogance

Poem Numero Dos

Here I am back at it again with the proverbial white Vans! It has been a month since my last post, and so I felt inclined to share a lil somethin with y'all. I think I may grieve through poetry, which explains why the total of five serious poems I've written in my lifetime have … Continue reading Poem Numero Dos


In lieu of a new post critiquing some random bullshit, or channeling my inner monologue onto the written screen, I've decided to share a poem I wrote with y'all. I am back home for a bit, and it's got me feeling a certain way. I'm having issues with formatting so to separate the stanzas I've … Continue reading Poem

My Writing

Comparing oneself to others is unhealthy. This sentiment is one that we have likely all heard. The reasoning for which it is unhealthy is up for debate--whether it be related to self-esteem, or the ego discussed throughout Daoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or whichever other religious practice one is inclined towards. A common alternative, especially in the … Continue reading My Writing