My Suggestions for the New Symbol of the American Conservative Party

As I type this, the conservative party has adopted various symbols as their own. Whether that be the confederate flag, the Blue Lives Matter flag, Captain America's shield (hilariously so), or the Punisher's skull, the conservative party has wrongly appropriated many symbols. The confederate flag was used by members of the union who wanted to … Continue reading My Suggestions for the New Symbol of the American Conservative Party

Hatred, Imitation, and Idolization

"We hate most in others what we dislike in ourselves." "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." "Ultimately all idolatry is worship of the self projected and objectified: all idolization is self-idolization." These sentiments are used to explain the phenomena of hatred, imitation, and idolization. Each is relatively easy to consume, comprehend, as well as … Continue reading Hatred, Imitation, and Idolization