Ranking Goku’s Outfits Throughout Dragon Ball (Z, GT, and Super)

Stuck in quarantine and rewatching Dragon Ball, I’ve decided to share my ranking of Goku’s outfits over the years. It’s been done before, yeah, but no one’s list sat quite right with me. So here’s mine!

Note: To qualify to be on the list, Goku has to appear in more than one episode in said outfit.

20. Grand Minister Outfit

Not gonna lie, I didn’t even know this was an outfit. It’s pretty bad for obvious reasons. I don’t want to spend too much time on this one, but the color’s bland, the poofy sleeves are meh, and the collar sucks.

19. Battle of Gods/ Super

Second to last on the list is Goku’s most used gi from Dragon Ball Super. This gi was first seen being used by Gohan during the Shadow Dragon Saga at the end of Dragon Ball GT, and then later used by Goku in Battle of Gods followed by the Goku Black arc forward. Although this gi is a combination of two of my favorite gi, I just don’t like it. The sash coupled with the kanji just seems like a step back in terms of gi. Maybe I’m just sour they had Goku change to this instead of keeping him in his Whis gi longer.

18. Farmer Outfit

This outfit might’ve been passable if it weren’t for the scarf. I get why Goku would have a whole outfit just for farming, but I personally feel that it’s kind of out of character for him. A tank top and some pants would be just as effective and look a lot better! Also, Goku wearing “regular” clothing shouldn’t be a super regular occurrence–it just isn’t his look.

17. Saiyan Armor

Goku looks like a crossover sketch, like when Naruto was drawn in Goku’s gi. It just doesn’t look natural, and I’m sure Vegeta in orange and blue would have the same effect. Get this out of my sight before I gouge my own eyes out!

16. Original Blue

In place #15 is Goku’s original gi from the very first saga all the way back in Dragon Ball–the Emperor Pilaf/Search for the Dragon Balls/Saga of Goku Saga. While people oftentimes associate original/first as being best, it is not the case here. There’s very little variation in his gi, and the bow tied into his belt does not help. It isn’t bad, it just isn’t good.

15. Shu Outfit

Goku donned this outfit at the very end of the Fortuneteller Baba saga. It’s, as the name suggests, actually Shu’s outfit! While I do like the yellow and blue on Goku, the bow-tied belt and sleeves kinda ruin it for me. I’m glad Goku only wore this outfit for a handful of episodes.

14. Casual Cell Saga

Next up on the list is Goku’s short-lived casual outfit from the Cell Saga. It’s always nice to see Goku dressed in anything but gi. The orange is a nice nod to his usual color scheme, but aside from that it’s kind of dated. Meh.

13. Snow Outfit

What can I say? This outfit is adorable, but nothing to write home about. It’s nice to see that Saiyans are affected by weather conditions. This is definitely a look only a 12 year old Goku can pull off.

12. Capsule Corp Gi

This gi is relatively lesser known, and I know it gets a lot of flack for looking very similar to the Evolution *gag* gi, buuuuut I kind of like it. Orange and black provide a nice color contrast, the black shirt is a nod to his gi during the Piccolo Jr. Saga AND I like the thicker wristbands! Not to mention it looks similar to his Whis gi. I do not, however, care for the Capsule Corp logo.

11. Turtle School Uniform (Start of Z)

Time to get controversial. Appearing lower on the list than one might expect is the Turtle School Uniform from the very first few episodes of the Saiyan Saga. This is the start of one of Goku’s best and best known looks. Why it’s so low on the list is due mostly to its simplicity and lack of flare. Again, this is definitely not a bad look. It’s quite good, actually. It’s just not good enough.

10. 23rd World Tournament

Often overlooked is the Turtle School uniform from the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. This is basically the same uniform as the last, except this one sports a black shirt and belt, along with a darker shade of orange and yellow kanji. What ranks this above its successor is the variation in color and how it differentiates Goku from Krillin or Yamcha (who wear the same gi). It’s a good look, one that I wish lasted longer.

9. Original Turtle School Uniform

Goku’s most worn outfit throughout the original Dragon Ball, who could forget the original Turtle School gi? It’s simple, it’s sleek, and it has just enough color variation to make his blue gi look like blue crap.

8. King Kai Uniform

“King Kai’s gi? What’s the difference between that and his Turtle gi??” Well, lemme tell ya. This gi has a different kanji on the front and back! Turtle on the front, King Kai on the back. It’s just cool to have Goku represent both of his big teachers in such a way during his final showdown in the Saiyan Saga. It complicates its predecessor just enough to earn the eighth spot on this list!

7. Yardrat Goku

Ah, the Yardrat outfit. God, I wish Goku used this longer. As a child, I always wondered what Goku was up to on Yardrat. That would’ve been a cool filler. I digress. From the orange pants (what I assumed are just sewn up from Namek) to the poofy collar and armor, there is a clear homage to Saiyan armor with just enough of a difference to make Goku look like a complete BA. #BringBackYardratGoku

6. GT

This was originally higher on the list, but upon review I decided to lower it. It’s a nice homage to Goku’s original gi, and an evolution from his end of Z look. The yellow contrasts nicely with the other colors, and it’s a 100% original look. I like it!

5. Xeno Goku

This is the outfit that served as the catalyst for my writing this list. No one EVER includes this in their rankings. Why not?! It’s an awesome look! I wish Goku wore this in Super instead of his orange and “Go” kanji gi. The orange/red cloak is a nice homage to his previous outfits, with a lighter blue and black to breathe some fresh air into his aesthetic. It’s an added bonus that he has a power pole as well.

4. Cell/Buu Saga

Throughout Dragon Ball Z, Goku’s gi gets simpler and simpler, with this gi being the plainest. While it may not be as aesthetically pleasing as some of his other gi, this one remains one of his most iconic. It’s representative of how he is no longer a student, but a master, as he sports no one’s kanji. That said, the change was likely done to make drawing him simpler.

3. End of Z

Coming in bronze, Goku’s end of Z blue gi is a heavily overlooked and underrated aesthetic. The blue is a nice change of pace from his usual orange, and is callback to his very first gi in Dragon Ball (without the same problems). It shows how Goku is still that same kid we met way back when. And I love this gi for it.

2. Whis Gi

In 2nd is Goku’s Resurrection F and early Super gi–Whis’ gi. While I don’t care for Whis’ symbol, it’s hard to deny just how aesthetically pleasing this is to look at. Between the thicker wristbands, to the belt on the side and new boots, it is a sight to behold. There is a perfect balance of new and old in it being an original look with the good old colors. Goku definitely should’ve worn this longer.

  1. “Go” Kanji

Can anyone blame me for putting this in first? Goku’s most iconic look, his Frieza saga turtle school uniform with “Go” kanji will always remain a classic. The kanji is representative of how he has become his own student, training on the way to Namek, and he just looks great in it! What else can I say? Haha

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